World Sight Day walk in Yunchará

Around World Sight Day, Eyes of the world promoted various activities to raise awareness and prevent eye health.

Within the framework of the Eyes of Bolivia project, the most outstanding initiatives were the following: 

In the municipality of Toledo, Department of Oruro, a rally was held, attended by more than 1,000 people including municipal authorities, health and education professionals, families, and students from 13 rural schools in the municipality to promote healthy habits. As part of this activity, outdoor activities were organised, including traditional games and a race in which students carried messages about the importance of eye health and the need to spend time away from screens (mobile phones and computers).

In addition, the students painted these messages in the form of a mural on a wall provided by the Anselmo Nieto Educational Unit. The local media and the Facebook page of the Departmental Health Service (SEDES) of Oruro echoed the initiatives implemented and the international objectives of the #LoveYourEyes campaign. 

In the municipality of Yunchará, Department of Tarija, a drawing contest was organised for students aged 12 to 18, entitled ‘Love your eyes’. Six educational units and around 300 students participated. Each academic unit presented the five best works and, in this way, 30 finalist drawings were obtained. The jury, composed of officials from the mayor’s office, the school district administration and the Yunchará police, chose a painting by a student from the José Ballivián Educational Unit, who received a bicycle as a prize. In addition, the 30 finalists received backpacks with school supplies. And the educational units were incentivised with sports equipment for daily use in the schools. A walk under the slogan ‘For visual health’ also took place, with the participation of around 300 people, mainly students accompanied by their teachers, local and health centre authorities, and the general population. In addition, the students organised an information fair which raised awareness of the importance of eye health among 250 people. The students themselves were trained as eye health promoters and were in charge of following up on the use of eyeglasses with their classmates in the schools. Both events were publicised through the Facebook page of the Autonomous Government of Yunchará. 

Amblyopia screening and fair in La PazAnd at the National School of Health and the National Institute of Ophthalmology (INO), located in La Paz, various activities were held. Firstly, an information fair with the participation of various groups: resident ophthalmologists from the INO, offering information on eye health to the public; ophthalmologists who explained how to prevent and treat some childhood eye diseases; and Optics and Optometry students, who advised on eye health prevention. With the support of the National Bank of Bolivia and together with the Sports Schools of the Sports Department of the Autonomous Government of La Paz, some 800 students between the ages of four and 18 were tested for visual acuity at the INO. 46 of these students received ophthalmological attention at INO and 42 obtained glasses. In addition, the INO launched a free amblyopia screening campaign for children aged four to 18 on 10, 11 and 12 October. The campaign was provided to some 200 children by paediatric ophthalmologists. These activities were broadcast on the RTP television channel, the radio programme Infórmanos on 99.9 Melodía FM, and the INO’s social networks. 

Cáritas Coroico also joined in the activities promoted by Eyes of the world on World Sight Day by providing refractive care to some 40 people and holding a fair at the health centre in the community of Challa, which was attended by some 150 people who were contacted through the Cáritas radio station, radio Virgen de la Candelaria 106.1 FM Coroico, radio Coroico 90 FM and on the Cáritas Coroico Facebook page. In the previous weeks, specifically from 24 to 27 September, ophthalmological care was provided in the educational units of Santa Catalina, Copacabana, Fátima and Apacheta, in the municipality of Apolo. A total of 82 students were attended, 19 of whom will receive corrective lenses, and 199 people benefited from refractions, receiving moisturising eye drops, decongestants and antibiotics.