In April, the Medical Assistants in Ophthalmology (AMO) from the Douentza, Djennè, Mopti, and Bankass districts of Mali mobilized for seven days to visit camps for the population displaced by internal conflicts and carry out ophthalmological consultations. More than 600 people were examined, a hundred cases of cataracts were detected (51 women and 49 men), and 62 prescription glasses were donated.
These assistance campaigns were accompanied by theoretical and practical training sessions in primary eye care to train seven Center Technical Directors (DTC) from community health centers.
In addition, Eyes of the world donated 40 surgical kits with material and medicines to the reference health centers, which, during the free medical-surgical commissions, made it possible to operate 94 cataracts in Koro and 45 cataracts in Bankass. Throughout this month, equipment such as a luminous visual acuity scale, cataract boxes, eye drops, fluorescein, magnifying helmets, visual acuity scales, and rechargeable flashlights was also donated.
In May, cataract and trichiasis medical-surgical campaigns were carried out in the Bankass, Mopti, and Bandariaga RSCs, where 71 patients (37 women) underwent surgery. To carry out ophthalmologic consultations for internally displaced women, girls, and boys in the districts of Koro, Bankass, Djennè, and Mopti, the Foundation donated equipment, medicines, consumables, and COVID-19 protection materials.
En mayo, se realizaron campañas médico-quirúrgicas de cataratas y triquiasis en los CSRéf de Bankass, Mopti y Bandariaga, en las que se operó a 71 pacientes (37 mujeres). Para llevar a cabo las consultas oftalmológicas destinadas a mujeres, niñas y niños desplazados internos en los distritos de Koro, Bankass, Djenné y Mopti, la Fundación donó equipos, medicamentos, consumibles y materiales de protección COVID-19.