Our 2023 finances

In accordance with the statutes of the Eyes of the world Foundation, the annual accounts and the activity report for the previous year are approved by the Board of Trustees at its regular annual meeting in June. Once approved, they are published on the web.

Financial data 2023

This information has been taken from the Eyes of the world Foundation’s 2023 annual accounts, which were externally audited by GM Auditores.

Annual accounts of previous years

Budget 2024

On March 7, 2024, the Board of Trustees of the Foundation unanimously approved the annual budget in an ordinary session. The Foundation plans to enter 2,533,876 euros, 1,525,591 euros from public contributions and 1,008,286 euros from private funds. In terms of execution, Eyes of the world plans to allocate 81.1% of the resources to the action programmes, 11.3% to fundraising and 7.4% to the administrative management of the Foundation. Of the total, 8%  is allocated transversally to the implementation of gender policies.

Budget 2024 of the Eyes of the world Foundation (PDF)